Level up your marketing business with INS Software
Boost your profits and easily handle all back office related activities. This recruitment & Marketing software deals with every aspect of the insurance marketing business from down-line recruitment & management to lead quote, capture and online sales. Built in affiliate referral management, standard affiliate commission calculations, payouts, training, and much more. Attract new customers, convert prospects, and sell online better with INS Software.

General Features
INS Software user interface is extremely user-friendly making it easy for anyone with basic internet knowledge to use. All the essential functionalities can be accessed from the dashboard.
INS software solution is the fastest most secure, and reliable software solution for your insurance business. Users can collect lead information and choose to customize the ” call to action button” on each Replica and Lead Capture page. Then as they have captured the leads contact information, they can send the lead to any quote engine they wish and make the sale.
Users can customize many feature of the design template. This includes, logo, contact information, background images on all replica pages, and areas on the main landing page. With this feature a user is able to create a complete interactive website to direct clients to. They can even direct their domain to their main landing page creating a fully custom website.
Genealogy tree represent the members or agents of a network. As you grow you agency and refer users they are placed into your genealogy tree and our affiliate program credits your account for the referral. All users can refer new users and grow their genealogy tree. Genealogy tree has nothing to do with contracting or hierarchy of an agency or IMO. Your contracts are your contracts. Our affiliate program is designed to reward users for referring new users to our software. If you are referred by your IMO, PGA, MGA ect… it is just that. Your account is you account and your leads are your leads. NO ONE BUT YOU WILL SEE OR ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT. Your Account is yours and only yours. Your leads are yours and only yours. Your clients are yours and only yours. Our software is designed to credit the referral not to share data. We do not offer multiple user or down-line or up-line access to accounts.
Users manage their own account and only the user can access their account. INS software enables the User to manage and control their account details, member profile, referral affiliate commission and items related to the affiliate program like; income details, e-wallet, user e-pin, and release of income generated via the affiliate program. Users are also in control of their CRM, lead & client details. Including New business, quoting and follow-up of client and leads and appointments. User have the option to purchase lead programs though our e-commerce store or out side of our e-commerce store. It is your account use it as you see fit.
User website offer many functions, including, a main personalized website/landing page to market the users business more effectively. Ins Software provides multiple Replica and Lead Capture pages to assist with your marketing, each with their own distinct URL. Including lead responder notifying the user when a lead has been generated.
Our Affiliate Referral Program is built in. We pay a % of any program purchased by a down-line user. Commission is based on genealogy 3 levels. (level 1 = 3% / level 2 = 2% / Level 3 = 1%)
Our back office supports:
Is a security code generated by the software that makes activities such as purchasing of product, joining, payout, ect more secure and reliable.
All the funds for users are added to their E-wallet. By using this users can purchase products, transfer funds ect.
Using our internal E-Mail notification system users can message internally within their network as well as to support and admin. All notworks can receive real-time updates about all details and activities such as payouts, new joining, rewards, promotions, and services such as outstanding requirements
CRM is included FREE when you create an account.
CRM Dashboard allows you to manage up coming follow up, today’s follow up, and missed follow ups.
Edit & manage lead details & information such as Origin, level of interest, & status.
Add follow-up date & description & upload an attached image files.
View & edit details & track lead history.
Track activity by month and year via graph.
Lead tool includes leads generated via the Replica & Lead Capture pages. Information includes Name, Lead ID, Lead Origin, Email. Phone, Date, Status. You can edit or add Business to a lead turning them into a client. Add Carrier name, Short description, Application type, & Product name. Add relationships between leads via there ID number.
Replica Site tool allows users to change banner image on each replica page.
Download Material tool is a location where users can find helpful information to download.
News is whee you will find new and upcoming helpful information.
FAQs tool is where users will find quick answers.
Edit Lead/Replica tool is where users can change the “CALL TO ACTION BUTTON” for replica and lead capture pages. Users can change the target to any URL when a lead submits the quote request.
Allows the user to purchase add-on products such as leads, lead generation and other product to assist in the growth of the users business.
Product are given a point value Personal value (PV) which can be used to purchase products.
Our business is based on referral and word of mouth. This is why we build our affiliate program into our software. All replica pages come with agent register buttons allowing users to add and refer agents to their down-line and allowing users to capitalize on our affiliate program.
In all users back office there is a a register button. Users can manually add and create additional user/agent accounts. All accounts must have a sponsor. By default admin is set as sponsor if a account is not create though a back office or a replica link.
Life Time Quote Add on Features
Quote & Enroll on One Platform (QE)
Compare all plan features to provide the best plan for your clients.
Online Advisor makes it easy for you to create client profiles, generate accurate quotes and data analysis for all senior market products and enroll. Save time, make informed decisions and better serve your customers – all on one platform.
Add new clients or upload client and lead lists to Client Manager. Store client’s name, address, date of birth, contact information and current plan details. Quickly generate a quote and save quote history.
Use easy filtering process to create targeted client lists by a number of demographics and current plan details.
Save time by quoting multiple clients at once! Client Manager will determine their lowest premium options from your selected group of carriers. Compare clients’ current premium to new quote results. Export and save.
Check out the video tutorials and see everything Client Manager has to offer! Learn how to access the client dashboard page, create new client profiles and upload client lists, search, filter and create client segments and run multiple quotes for clients at once.
Provide your agency with a distinct competitive edge. Get the latest rates, underwriting, and plan details . Customize it further to include the products, carriers, and states you do business with.
Medicare Supplement
Take a quick look at the video tutorial quoting tools as we run a Medicare Supplement quote. Ask for Medigap Website Plug-in via Free Medicare Report. Provide a way for your customers to run a Medicare Supplement quote from your website. Add the plug in to your Replica & Lead Capture page ” Call to action Button” .
Search and save prescription drugs and pharmacies. Easily find, save and update data based on client’s changing needs, year after year.
Health condition & medication underwriting filter. Take a look at our new Medicare Supplement underwriting filter which will display carriers that will accept selected health conditions and medications.
Universal comparison feature Watch the tutorial as we put two quotes from different product lines, side by side — a convenient feature when cross-selling.
Medicare Advantage
Watch a full tutorial demonstration of the Medicare Advantage and Part D quoting tool. Learn how to compare plan benefits, view enrollment data and check carrier formulary and pharmacy websites.
Fill the Gap Feature – New
Check out the ultimate Medicare Advantage and Hospital Indemnity cross-selling tool. Run a side-by-side comparison of how a Hospital Indemnity plan can help fill the gaps of a Medicare Advantage Plan. Compare multiple Med Adv and Hospital Indemnity plans at the same time.
Final Expense Life
Be sure to check out the tutorial demonstrating the Final Expense Life quote tool.
Dental Vision Tool
See the dental quoting tool and be sure to ask us about the online dental / vision “quote to enroll” web page for leads to get their own quote and enroll.
Watch a few of our E-Application tutorials to get up to speed with how you can submit business through our application.
Client Shopping cart
See tutorials on how the cart feature allows you to increase your selling potential. Cross-selling made easy for multiple products and carriers in one easy checkout process.
Full Demonstration
Watch how to submit an application on (QE) platform start to finish.
Rate Changes
See tutorial on e-application automatically adjusts the application rate as changes are made to the application.
Signature Options
e-application accepts multiple signature options that may vary by carrier. Watch how to submit an application using the applicant’s identifying information and email signature link.
Create product interest and convert website visitors into Life, Health, Annuity, Dental / Vision, Medicare Advantage, Medicare PDP and Medicare Supplement leads. Ask about add-ons that provide users the ability to offer Medicare Supplement quoting capabilities to their customers and prospects. Information collected turns visitors into leads. This easy-to-use website plug-in is branded for each agent and customized with colors to match their website. They can also determine which states and companies to include.
Simple code requires minimal setup. We are happy to assist.
Don’t forget our Life “Quote to Sales” all online for leads to run their own quote and be approved in minutes. This Life Plug-in is branded for each agent and does make the sale of life insurance online a ” Simpler, Easier, Way for the lead to get a quote and enroll.
Document Locker
HIPPA Compliant
Fill, Sign and Store documents that require signatures safely and securely.
Create Electronic documents, Fill E-sign and save important documents and agreements.
Scope of Sale Appointment Confirmation Form
The Center for Medicare and Medicare Services require agents to document the scope of a marketing appointment prior to any individual sales meeting to ensure understanding of what will be discussed between the agent and the Medicare beneficiary (or their authorized representative). All information provided on this form is confidential and should be completed by each person with Medicare or his/her authorized representative
Upload Document
Upload and save important client documents safely and securely. Download / Export when you need a copy.
Quote & Compare Multiple Product Lines
Compare rates & customize your quotes for:
Compare. Select. Save. Medicare Supplement Carriers.

Compare. Select. Save. Prescription Drug & Pharmacy Data
Increase your productivity. Compare all carriers and plans, including accurate drug pricing and personalized Medicare options (Med Advantage, MAPD, PDP, SNP and Medicare Supplements) to ensure reliable plan details and out-of-pocket estimates. Simplify your process. Use the best technology to find the plans that best fit a client’s need. This action creates higher customer satisfaction and leads to increased retention levels (not to mention more referrals). Update based on client’s changing needs, year after year. Save the data. Plus, save your clients money: total out-of-pocket expenses, including monthly premiums. When your business practices and customer interactions are more efficient, it shows. Save time, make informed decisions and better serve your customers – all on one platform. |